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The Inside Stylists podcast

Sep 23, 2019

There are of course lots of similarities so if you're looking to hire someone to help design your home or you're looking at working in one of these fields it's essential to understand what each discipline entails. Today’s episode goes into the details I have found both working as an interior stylist and being part of The Stylish Supper Club, which is a community that brings both stylists and designers together.

The meeting of interiors minds

When Emma Merry and I got together to create The Stylish Supper Club little did I know that I would be taken on a completely new journey into seeing exactly what interior designers do and how it differs completely - and yet is so similar to what us stylists do! 

We wanted The Stylish Supper Club events to be all about getting interior stylists and designers together. When I listened to Emma and other designers talking about how Interior Designers work it was like de ja vu! It was exactly how freelance stylists work. Alone the majority of the time, not knowing anyone in the exact same position that would understand the everyday problems and would know how to solve them - or who would be willing to share costings/pricing/contracts. Sound familiar? That’s exactly why I set up Inside Stylists in the beginning. To bring the styling and writing community together and now with The Stylish Supper Club I'm chatting with more and more Interior designers too. It can only give insight and help to improve how both disciplines work. 



You can find the full show notes for today's episode



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